Hello 2017! 2016 Year in Review
It’s been a few months since I last posted, lots has happened. I moved to Texas (temporarily!), watched in dismay as a controversial president was elected, did some more traveling and spent time with friends and family.
I think the start of a new year is a good time to reflect on the previous year, which for me was jam-packed with milestones and moments. So–here we go!
The most important milestone of 2016 for me was the decision to leave eHana. After working with my partner Jacob for 15 years, struggling to bootstrap the tiny company of just the two of us in a donated closet-sized office in Kakaako to the shiny eHana HQ with a score of awesome employees in downtown Boston, I was ready for a break. I thought I’d take a few months off to travel and reboot for the next adventure, but it’s ended up being more than a few months!
Some of the many travel adventures from “Sabbatical 2016”:

I feel very blessed to have had the opportunity to travel to so many places and meet with friends and family. For me, getting recharged also involves getting back into nature. In 2016 I had the opportunity to trek into the wilderness:

Looking back at snapshots of the adventures from the year, it’s hard to believe all of the wonderful places I’ve been and the beauty in the world that I’ve seen. I am thankful for the ability and means to travel, and for my wife Lyla putting up with a year of wanderlust and many nights in a sleeping bag.
As I close the book on 2016, this new year’s alarming story has already started being written. I’m motivated to jump back in, later this year. Back to work, being super productive and back to making a dent in the universe. I’ll see you then!